Our Services

Our legal services cover various family law, estate planning and probate matters.

We handle family law matters, helping our clients navigate through divorce, custody, parentage, maintenance, and child support matters.

We handle estate planning, providing our clients with guidance in choosing the right estate plan to protect their assets including but not limited to revocable trusts, third party trusts, and special needs trusts.

We also handle probate litigation and administering decedent's estates, and difficult adult guardianships matters.


Pomagamy naszym klientom w prawie rodzinnym, w sprawach związanych z rozwodem, w podzialem opieki rodzicielskiej,  podzialem majatku, jak i przydzialem alimentow na dzieci i malzonkow.

Pomagamy w sporządzeniu testamentalnym, zapewniając naszym klientom wskazówki dotyczące wyboru odpowiedniego planu w celu ochrony ich majątku, w tym między innymi prygotowanie testamentu i funduszu powierniczego.

Pomagamy także w sporach spadkowych i zarządzaniu majątkiem spadkodawcy oraz w trudnych sprawach dotyczących opieki nad osobami dorosłymi.

Family Law

Our lawyers know how to handle domestic matters with understanding, and compassion. They will assess the matter at hand, and guide you through the process of divorce, establishing or modifying parentage, maintenance, child support, or other related matter that is associated with your case.  .

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Estate Plans

It's never too soon to prepare for the inevitable. You can count on us to guide you through the estate planning process, in line with your interests. The time to start this conversation is today, because tomorrow may be too late.

Ask us about:

- Final Will and Testament

- Pour Over Will

- Revocable Trust

- Irrevocable

- OBRA Trust (Special Needs Trust)

- Guardianship Over a Minor

- Power of Attorney for Healthcare

- Power of Attorney for Property

- Quit Claim Deed

- Transfer on Death Instrument (TODI), etc.

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Probate Litigation and Administration of Estates

Cases of contested probate are complicated, and this calls for experts to help guide you through the process. Our lawyers know how to handle such matters.

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Protecting your rights.

  At Poplawska Purcha & Associates LLC, we love helping vulnerable members of society exercise their legal rights. That's why we do what we do. 

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